
public protocol AttitudeIndicator : Instrument

Instrument that informs about attitude.

This instrument can be retrieved by:

  • Pitch angle of the drone, in degrees in range ]-90, 90]. Pitch angle is the angle between the horizontal plane parallel to the ground, and the drone longitudinal axis, which is the axis traversing the drone from tail to head. Negative values mean the drone is tilted towards ground, positive values mean the drone is tilted towards sky.



    var roll: Double { get }
  • Roll angle of the drone, in degrees in range ]-180, 180]. Roll angle is the angle between the horizontal plane parallel to the ground, and the drone lateral axis, which is the axis traversing the drone from left side to right side. Negative values mean the drone is tilted to the right, positive values mean the drone is tilted to the left.



    var pitch: Double { get }