Adanced Olympe expectation usage#

Before continuing with this Olympe example, you might want to read the Olympe eDSL section (if you haven’t read it already).

Sometimes it can be useful to send a command to the drone only if it is in a specific state. For example, if the drone is already hovering when you start an Olympe script, you might want to skip the usual taking off command. This can be useful if a previous execution of your script left your drone in a hovering state.

 1import olympe
 2import os
 3from olympe.messages.ardrone3.Piloting import TakeOff
 4from olympe.messages.ardrone3.PilotingState import FlyingStateChanged
 5from olympe.enums.ardrone3.PilotingState import FlyingStateChanged_State
 6from olympe.messages.ardrone3.GPSSettingsState import GPSFixStateChanged
 8DRONE_IP = os.environ.get("DRONE_IP", "")
11def test_takeoff_if_necessary_1():
12    with olympe.Drone(DRONE_IP) as drone:
13        drone.connect()
14        print("Takeoff if necessary...")
15        if (drone.get_state(FlyingStateChanged)["state"] is not
16                FlyingStateChanged_State.hovering):
17            drone(GPSFixStateChanged(fixed=1, _timeout=10, _policy="check_wait")).wait()
18            drone(
19                TakeOff(_no_expect=True)
20                & FlyingStateChanged(state="takingoff", _policy="wait", _timeout=5)
21            ).wait()
22        drone.disconnect()
25if __name__ == "__main__":
26    test_takeoff_if_necessary_1()

Here olympe.Drone.get_state() is used to check the current flying state of the drone. If the drone is not in hovering, we check and eventually wait for a GPS fix. Note that “check_wait” is the default value for the _policy parameter. The possible values for the _policy parameter are:

  • “check”, to check the current state of the drone (i.e. match the last event message of this kind received from the drone).

  • “wait”, to wait for a new event message from the drone (even if the last event message of this kind that has been received would have matched).

  • “check_wait” (the default), to “check” the current state of the drone and if necessary “wait” for a matching event message.

In the above example we are using a compound expectation expression to send a taking off command when the drone has a GPS fix and when it is not already in the hovering state.

The default expectations for the TakeOff command are: FlyingStateChanged(state='motor_ramping', _policy='wait') & FlyingStateChanged(state='takingoff', _policy='wait') (see the TakeOff() command documentation). When the controller receives the “takingoff” flying state a few milliseconds after the TakeOff command has been sent, the drone has just climbed a few centimeters. Here, we don’t really care for this “takingoff” flying state and this is why we are disabling the default expectations of the TakeOff command. TakeOff(_no_expect=True) sends the takeoff command and does not wait for the default expectations for this command. Instead of the default expectations, we are directly expecting the “hovering” flying state. We are using the ‘&’ (“AND”) operator instead of ‘>>’ (“THEN”) to wait for this event while Olympe sends the TakeOff command concurrently. If the “>>” (“THEN”) operator were to be used instead, we might (theoretically) miss the FlyingStateChanged event drone response while Olympe sends the ‘TakeOff’ message.

As demonstrated below, this problem can also be solved without using any control flow statements:

 1import olympe
 2import os
 3from olympe.messages.ardrone3.Piloting import TakeOff
 4from olympe.messages.ardrone3.PilotingState import FlyingStateChanged
 5from olympe.messages.ardrone3.GPSSettingsState import GPSFixStateChanged
 7DRONE_IP = os.environ.get("DRONE_IP", "")
10def test_takeoff_if_necessary_2():
11    with olympe.Drone(DRONE_IP) as drone:
12        drone.connect()
13        print("Takeoff if necessary...")
14        drone(
15            FlyingStateChanged(state="hovering", _policy="check")
16            | (
17                GPSFixStateChanged(fixed=1, _timeout=10)
18                >> (
19                    TakeOff(_no_expect=True)
20                    & FlyingStateChanged(state="takingoff", _policy="wait", _timeout=5)
21                )
22            )
23        ).wait()
24        drone.disconnect()
27if __name__ == "__main__":
28    test_takeoff_if_necessary_2()

Here, the ‘|’ (“OR”) operator is used to “check” if the current flying state is “hovering”. If not, we wait for a GPS fix if necessary with the implicit “check_wait” policy. Then (“>>”) we send the taking off command and override the default expectations to wait for the “hovering” flying state as before.