Building Olympe from source (for x86_64, armv7 or aarch64)#

Building Olympe from source is only necessary if you want to use Olympe on an ARM target. If you are targetting a Linux Desktop PC (x64) you should probably use the prebuilt wheels from instead.

System requirements#

The following install instructions have been tested under Ubuntu 20.04 and should also work on Debian 10 or higher.

Download Olympe sources#

Olympe sources can be downloaded on Github olympe release page: Download and extract the .tar.gz archive associated with the latest release of Olympe, for example:

$ mkdir -p ~/code/parrot-olympe
$ curl -L | tar zxf - -C ~/code/parrot-olympe --strip-components=1
$ cd ~/code/parrot-olympe

System dependencies installation procedure#

On Debian/Ubuntu, system dependencies must be installed before building Olympe from source.

# pyenv dependencies
sudo apt-get install make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev \
         libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev \
         libncursesw5-dev libncurses5 xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev \
         python3-openssl git libgdbm-dev libgdbm-compat-dev uuid-dev python3-gdbm \

 # python alchemy/dragon build system dependency
 sudo apt-get install python3

 # pdraw dependencies
 sudo apt-get install build-essential yasm cmake libtool libc6 libc6-dev \
   unzip freeglut3-dev libglfw3 libglfw3-dev libjson-c-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev \

 # ffmpeg alchemy module build dependencies
 sudo apt-get install rsync

 # Olympe / PySDL2 / pdraw renderer dependencies
 sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-2.0-0 libjpeg-dev libwebp-dev \
  libtiff5-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-image-2.0-0 libfreetype6-dev \
  libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0 libsdl2-gfx-dev

Alternatively, to install the system dependencies of the parrot-olympe workspace, just execute the postinst script.

$ pwd
$ ./products/olympe/linux/env/postinst

Build olympe-linux#

Olympe relies on some SDK C libraries that need to be built. Before using Olympe, we need to build the SDK itself.

$ pwd
$ ./ -p olympe-linux -t build -j

Note: The above command needs to be done from the workspace root directory, you’ve created in the previous step.

You should now have a ‘built’ Olympe workspace that already provides a Python virtual environment you can use in your developments (see the next steps).

Alternatively, to build an Olympe wheel to install Olympe in another environment, use the following command:

$ pwd
$ ./ -p olympe-linux -t images -j

Olympe wheels are built in the out/olympe-linux/images workspace subdirectory.

Set up the development environment#

Finally, if you want to test Olympe from your development workspace, you need to set up the shell environment in which you will execute Olympe scripts. In the future, you will have to do this before you execute an Olympe script from your development workspace.

To setup an interactive Olympe Python virtual environment, source the shell script:

$ pwd
$ source shell
(olympe-python3) $ pip --version
pip 21.3.1 from ~/code/parrot-olympe/out/olympe-linux/pyenv_root/versions/3.9.5/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pip (python 3.9)

Note: this shell script can also be sourced from outside the workspace:

$ pwd
$ source ~/code/parrot-olympe/shell

When an Olympe workspace Python virtual environment is active, your shell prompt should be prefixed by `(olympe-python3) `.

In this console you can now execute your Olympe script, for example:

(olympe-python3) $ python

Once you’ve finished working with Olympe, just type exit or press Ctrl+D to exit the active environment and restore your previous prompt.

(olympe-python3) $ exit

If you need to execute a script from a non-interactive environment (for example in a CI job), source the setenv scripts instead. This script does not spawn a new shell for you, does not change your current prompt and just sets up the environment in your current shell process.

Check your development environment#

If you have successfuly built Olympe, the following commands shouldn’t report any error.

$ pwd
$ source shell
(olympe-python3) $ python -c 'import olympe; print("Installation OK")'
$ exit

If you are following the Olympe user guide, don’t forget to set up your Python environment using the shell script before testing any Olympe example.