White balance mode#

Camera 1#

Sample code to monitor white balance mode:

/** Reference on MainCamera peripheral. */
private var cameraRef: Ref<MainCamera>?

/** Monitors and prints white balance mode. */
fun monitorWhiteBalanceMode(drone: Drone) {
    cameraRef = drone.getPeripheral(MainCamera::class.java) { camera ->
        // called on main thread when the camera peripheral changes
        camera?.whiteBalance()?.run {
            if (supportedModes().isEmpty()) {
                // setting value is not relevant if there is no supported value
                println("No supported value")
            } else {
                // get setting value
                val mode = mode()
                println("Current value: $mode")
                // updating flag
                println("Updating: $isUpdating")

Example of output:

Current value: AUTOMATIC
Updating: false

Sample code to modify white balance mode:

/** Sets white balance mode. */
fun setWhiteBalanceMode(drone: Drone, mode: CameraWhiteBalance.Mode) {
    drone.getPeripheral(MainCamera::class.java)?.run {
        // set setting value

Trying to change the setting value to an unsupported value has no effect. Values supported by the camera are provided by CameraWhiteBalance.Setting.supportedModes().

Camera 2#

White balance mode is configured with parameter Camera.Config.WHITE_BALANCE_MODE.

Sample code to monitor white balance mode:

/** Reference on MainCamera peripheral. */
private var cameraRef: Ref<MainCamera>? = null

/** Monitors and prints white balance mode. */
fun monitorWhiteBalanceMode(drone: Drone) {
    cameraRef = drone.getPeripheral(MainCamera::class.java) { camera ->
        // called on main thread when the camera peripheral changes
        camera?.run {
            // get configuration parameter
            config[Camera.Config.WHITE_BALANCE_MODE].run {
                if (supportedValues(onlyCurrent = true).isEmpty()) {
                    // parameter value is not relevant
                    // if there is not supported values in current configuration
                    println("No supported value in current configuration")
                } else {
                    println("Current value: $value")

Example of output:

Current value is: AUTOMATIC

Sample code to modify white balance mode:

/** Sets white balance mode. */
fun setWhiteBalanceMode(drone: Drone, mode: Camera.WhiteBalanceMode) {
    drone.getPeripheral(MainCamera::class.java)?.run {
        // create configuration editor, starting from current configuration
        val editor =config.edit(fromScratch = false)
        // get configuration parameter
        editor[Camera.Config.WHITE_BALANCE_MODE].let { configParam ->
            // change parameter value,
            // and unset other parameters conflicting with this new value
            configParam.value = mode
            // complete configuration, by setting missing parameters values
            // send new configuration to drone

Trying to change the parameter value to an unsupported value has no effect. Values supported by the camera are retrieved by calling configParam.supportedValues(onlyCurrent = false).