Photo progress indicator#

The photo progess indicator provides information on photo capture progress. For photo capture modes gpsLapse and timeLapse, it indicates remaining distance or time before next photo capture.

Camera 1#

The photo progress indicator is the instrument Instruments.photoProgressIndicator.

Sample code to monitor photo progress indicator:

/** Reference on CameraExposureValues instrument. */
private var photoProgressIndicatorRef: Ref<PhotoProgressIndicator>? = null

/** Monitors and prints photo capture progress. */
fun monitorPhotoProgress(drone: Drone) {
    photoProgressIndicatorRef = drone.getInstrument( { pbotoProgress ->
        // called on main thread when the instrument changes
        pbotoProgress?.run {
                    .takeIf { it.isAvailable }
                    ?.run {
                        println("Remaining distance before next photo: $value meters")
                    .takeIf { it.isAvailable }
                    ?.run {
                        println("Remaining time before next photo: $value seconds")

Example of output:

Remaining time before next photo: 1.499854326248169 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 0.9997818470001221 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 0.4998341202735901 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 1.9997859001159668 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 1.5000852346420288 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 1.0000818967819214 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 0.5000885128974915 seconds

Camera 2#

Photo capture state is monitored with sub-component Camera2Components.photoProgressIndicator.

Sample code to monitor photo progress indicator:

/** Reference on MainCamera peripheral. */
private var cameraRef: Ref<MainCamera>? = null
/** `MainCamera` peripheral. This is used to know when peripheral appears. */
private var mainCamera: Camera? = null

/** Monitors and prints photo capture state. */
fun monitorPhotoProgress(drone: Drone) {
    cameraRef = drone.getPeripheral( { camera ->
        // called on main thread when the camera peripheral changes
        camera?.run {
            // register sub-component listener, only when camera peripheral appears
            if (mainCamera == null) {
                // get notified every time photo progress indicator sub-component changes
                camera.component<Camera.PhotoProgressIndicator> { photoProgress ->
                    photoProgress? {
                        println("Remaining distance before next photo: $this meters")
                    photoProgress? {
                        println("Remaining time before next photo: $this seconds")
        mainCamera = camera

Example of output:

Remaining time before next photo: 1.5738348960876465 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 1.5738348960876465 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 1.0738394260406494 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 1.0738394260406494 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 0.5738322734832764 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 0.5738322734832764 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 0.07383007556200027 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 0.07383007556200027 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 1.7220635414123535 seconds
Remaining time before next photo: 1.7220635414123535 seconds