Photo start and stop#

Camera 1#

When can I start or stop photo capture ?#

Photo capture can be started only when all of the the following conditions are met:

  • camera is active: camera.isActive == true

  • camera mode is photo: camera.mode().value == Camera.Mode.PHOTO

  • photo state is stopped: camera.photoState().get() == CameraPhoto.State.FunctionState.STOPPED

Photo capture can be stopped when the following condition is true:

  • photo state is started: camera.photoState().get() == CameraPhoto.State.FunctionState.STARTED

The Camera API provides helper methods telling whether photo capture can be started are stopped:

  • camera.canStartPhotoCapture(): tells whether photo capture can be started

  • camera.canStopPhotoCapture(): tells whether photo capture can be stopped

Sample code to monitor whether photo capture can be started or stopped :

/** Reference on MainCamera peripheral. */
private var cameraRef: Ref<MainCamera>? = null

/** Monitors and prints whether photo capture can be started or stopped. */
fun monitorCanStartStopPhotoCapture(drone: Drone) {
    cameraRef = drone.getPeripheral( { camera ->
        // called on main thread when the camera peripheral changes
        camera?.run {
            when {
                canStartPhotoCapture() ->
                    println("Photo capture can be started")

                canStopPhotoCapture() ->
                    println("Photo capture can be stopped")

                else ->
                    println("Photo capture can't be started or stopped")

How to start or stop photo capture ?#

Sample code to start and stop photo capture:

/** Starts or stops photo capture. */
fun toggleStartStopPhotoCapture(drone: Drone) {
    drone.getPeripheral( {
        when {
            // photo capture can be started
            canStartPhotoCapture() -> startPhotoCapture()

            // photo capture can be stopped
            canStopPhotoCapture() -> stopPhotoCapture()

            // photo capture can't be started or stopped
            else -> println("Photo capture can't be started or stopped")

Camera 2#

When can I start or stop photo capture ?#

Photo capture can be started only when all of the following conditions are met:

  • camera is active: == true

  • camera mode is photo: camera.config[Camera.Config.MODE].value == Camera.Mode.PHOTO

  • photo capture state is stopped: camera.component<Camera.PhotoCapture>()?.state is Camera.PhotoCapture.State.Stopped

Photo capture can be stopped when the following condition is true:

  • photo capture state is started or starting:

    • camera.component<Camera.PhotoCapture>()?.state is Camera.PhotoCapture.State.Starting

    • OR camera.component<Camera.PhotoCapture>()?.state is Camera.PhotoCapture.State.Started

Sample code to monitor whether photo capture can be started or stopped :

/** Reference on MainCamera peripheral. */
private var cameraRef: Ref<MainCamera>? = null
/** `MainCamera` peripheral. This is used to know when peripheral appears. */
private var mainCamera: Camera? = null

/** Monitors and prints whether photo capture can be started or stopped. */
fun monitorCanStartStopPhotoCapture(drone: Drone) {
    cameraRef = drone.getPeripheral( { camera ->
        // called on main thread when the camera peripheral changes
        camera?.run {
            // register sub-component listener, only when camera peripheral appears
            if (mainCamera == null) {
                // get notified every time photo capture sub-component changes
                camera.component<Camera.PhotoCapture> { photoCapture ->
                    when (photoCapture?.state) {
                        is Camera.PhotoCapture.State.Started ->
                            println("Photo capture can be stopped")

                        is Camera.PhotoCapture.State.Stopped ->
                            println("Photo capture can be started")

                        else ->
                            println("Photo capture can't be started or stopped")
        mainCamera = camera

How to start or stop photo capture ?#

Sample code to start and stop photo capture:

/** Starts or stops photo capture. */
fun toggleStartStopPhotoCapture(drone: Drone) {
    drone.getPeripheral( {
        component<Camera.PhotoCapture>()?.apply {
            when (state) {
                // photo capture can be stopped
                is Camera.PhotoCapture.State.Started -> start()

                // photo capture can be started
                is Camera.PhotoCapture.State.Stopped -> stop()

                // photo capture state don't allow to start or stop
                else -> println("Photo capture can't be started or stopped")
        } ?: run {
            // photo capture component not available at present
            println("Photo capture not available")