Setup Ground SDK AAR#

The easiest way to use Ground SDK is to setup your project to use Android Archive Libraries (AAR) from Maven Central.

For this purpose, edit your application build.gradle file to add Ground SDK Android dependencies:

repositories {
    // Add Maven Central repository (if not already present)

dependencies {
    // Add Ground SDK dependencies
    implementation 'com.parrot.drone.groundsdk:groundsdk:7.7.+'
    runtimeOnly 'com.parrot.drone.groundsdk:arsdkengine:7.7.+'


you may replace 7.7 by the Ground SDK version you want to use.

This allows to download and link Ground SDK AARs to your project.

You also need to make your project compatible with Ground SDK:

  • Increase minimum Android SDK version supported by your project to 24.

  • Add Java 8 compilation compatibility.

In the same file:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        // Set minimum SDK version supported by GroundSdk
        minSdkVersion 24

    // Add java 8 compatibility needed by Ground SDK
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

Your project setup now is ready.