Video recording state#

The video recording state provides information on current state of recording function. It also indicates information such as starting date (or duration) of recording and saved media identifier.

Camera 1#

Sample code to monitor video recording state:

/** Reference on MainCamera peripheral. */
private var cameraRef: Ref<MainCamera>? = null

/** Monitors and prints video recording state. */
fun monitorRecordingState(drone: Drone) {
    cameraRef = drone.getPeripheral( { camera ->
        // called on main thread when the camera peripheral changes
        camera?.recordingState()?.run {
            when (get()) {
                CameraRecording.State.FunctionState.UNAVAILABLE ->
                    println("Video recording not available at present")

                CameraRecording.State.FunctionState.STOPPED ->
                    println("Video recording stopped")

                CameraRecording.State.FunctionState.STARTING ->
                    println("Video recording starting")

                CameraRecording.State.FunctionState.STARTED ->
                    println("Video recording started, start time: ${recordStartTime()}")

                CameraRecording.State.FunctionState.STOPPING ->
                    println("Video recording stopping")

                CameraRecording.State.FunctionState.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE_SPEED ->
                    println("Video recording error: ${get()}")

                CameraRecording.State.FunctionState.CONFIGURATION_CHANGE ->
                    print("Video recording will stop for internal reconfiguration")
            latestMediaId()?.let { mediaId ->
                print("Identifier of latest saved media: $mediaId")

Example of output during video recording:

Video recording starting
Video recording started, start time: Thu Feb 18 18:27:26 GMT+01:00 2021
Video recording stopping
Video recording stopped
Identifier of latest saved media: 10000558

Camera 2#

Video recording state is monitored with sub-component Camera.Recording.

Sample code to monitor video recording state:

/** Reference on MainCamera peripheral. */
private var cameraRef: Ref<MainCamera>? = null
/** `MainCamera` peripheral. This is used to know when peripheral appears. */
private var mainCamera: Camera? = null

/** Monitors and prints video recording state. */
fun monitorRecordingState(drone: Drone) {
    cameraRef = drone.getPeripheral( { camera ->
        // called on main thread when the camera peripheral changes
        camera?.run {
            // register sub-component listener, only when camera peripheral appears
            if (mainCamera == null) {
                // get notified every time recording sub-component changes
                camera.component<Camera.Recording> { recording ->
                    recording?.apply {
                        when (val state = state) {
                            is Camera.Recording.State.Starting ->
                                println("Video recording starting")

                            is Camera.Recording.State.Started ->
                                println("Video recording started ${state.videoBitrate} ${state.mediaStorage} ${state.startTime}")

                            is Camera.Recording.State.Stopping -> {
                                println("Video recording stopping ${state.reason}")
                                state.savedMediaId?.let { mediaId ->
                                    println("Identifier of saved media: $mediaId")

                            is Camera.Recording.State.Stopped -> {
                                println("Video recording stopped")
                                state.latestSavedMediaId?.let { mediaId ->
                                    println("Identifier of latest saved media: $mediaId")
                    } ?: println("Video recording not available at present")
        mainCamera = camera

Example of output during video recording:

Video recording stopped
Video recording starting
Video recording started 100000000 INTERNAL 1613669736367
Video recording stopping UserRequest
Identifier of saved media: 10000156
Video recording stopped
Identifier of latest saved media: 10000156