Manual Copter Piloting Itf
Manual piloting interface for copters.
This piloting interface can be obtained from a drone using:
See also
com. parrot. drone. groundsdk. device. Drone
Drone#getPilotingItf(Class, Ref.Observer)
Smart Take Off Land Action
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enum SmartTakeOffLandAction
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Action performed when smartTakeOffLand is called.
can Take Off
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Tells whether the copter can take off.
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Deactivates this piloting interface.
emergency Cut Out
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abstract fun emergencyCutOut()
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Requests emergency motor cut out.
get Banked Turn Mode
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Gets the current banked-turn mode.
get Max Pitch Roll
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Gets the maximum roll and pitch angle setting, in degrees.
get Max Pitch Roll Velocity
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Gets the maximum roll and pitch velocity setting, in degrees/second.
get Max Vertical Speed
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Gets the maximum vertical speed setting, in meters/second.
get Max Yaw Rotation Speed
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Gets the maximum yaw rotation speed setting in degrees/second.
get Smart Take Off Land Action
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abstract fun getSmartTakeOffLandAction(): ManualCopterPilotingItf.SmartTakeOffLandAction
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Tells which action will be performed when smartTakeOffLand is called.
get State
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Gets the piloting interface's current state.
get Thrown Take Off Mode
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Gets the current thrown take-off mode.
set Vertical Speed
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abstract fun setVerticalSpeed(@IntRange(from = "-100", to = 100 ) value: Int)
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Set the current vertical speed value.
set Yaw Rotation Speed
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abstract fun setYawRotationSpeed(@IntRange(from = "-100", to = 100 ) value: Int)
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Set the current yaw rotation speed value.
smart Take Off Land
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abstract fun smartTakeOffLand()
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Requests the copter to either take off, or get prepared for a thrown take-off, or cancel a thrown take-off, or land, depending on its state and on the thrown take-off setting.
thrown Take Off
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abstract fun thrownTakeOff()
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Requests the copter to get prepared for a thrown take-off.