
data class Plan(val staticConfig: Plan.StaticConfig? = null, val items: List<Plan.Item>)

Plan file representation.

Parrot Plan format documentation



static config of the plan, null if none


list of items of the plan


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constructor(staticConfig: Plan.StaticConfig? = null, items: List<Plan.Item>)


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interface Item
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Exception thrown whenever parsing a plan file format fails.

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data class StaticConfig(    var customRth: Boolean? = null,     var rthType: ReturnHomePilotingItf.Target? = null,     var rthAltitude: Double? = null,     var rthEndAltitude: Double? = null,     var disconnectionPolicy: FlightPlanPilotingItf.DisconnectionPolicy? = null,     var rthEndingBehavior: ReturnHomePilotingItf.EndingBehavior? = null,     var digitalSignature: Camera.DigitalSignature? = null,     var customId: String? = null,     var customTitle: String? = null)

Static config of a plan.


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Convenience function that provides a list of all plan commands, in order.

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Convenience function that provides a list of all plan item configs, in order.

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fun Plan.generateTo(output: OutputStream, groundStationName: String)

Serializes a plan to a given output stream.