
class ManagedGroundSdk : GroundSdk

An GroundSdk session automatically managed according to an android Activity lifecycle.

This class allows the application to retrieve a GroundSdk session whose lifecycle is is automatically managed in correlation with a given Activity's own lifecycle.This is the recommended way to use GroundSdk API in an android Activity.

The application should obtain such a session in the onCreate method. None of the session's lifecycle management methods, as described in GroundSdk documentation, need to be called.

  • The session is automatically retained and restored upon configuration changes.
  • The session is resumed when the activity calls through super.onStart() method (by default, but the application may chose to have it resumed in when the activity calls through super.onResume() method instead).
  • The session is suspended when the activity calls through super.onStop() method (by default, but the application may chose to have it suspended in when the activity calls through super.onPause() method instead).
  • The session is automatically closed when the activity calls through onDestroy. The application MUST NOT use the session past this point.

For example:

 public class MyManagedGroundSdkActivity extends Activity {
     private ManagedGroundSdk mGroundSdk;

     public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
         mGroundSdk = ManagedGroundSdk.obtainSession(this);

     public void onDestroy() {
         // mGroundSdk MUST NOT be used anymore past this point


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enum ObserverBehavior
Allows to specify when a managed GroundSdk session will resume/suspend its registered observers.


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open fun close()
Closes this session.
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fun connectDrone(@NonNull uid: String): Boolean
Connects a drone identified by its uid.
fun connectDrone(@NonNull uid: String, @NonNull connector: DeviceConnector): Boolean
Connects a drone identified by its uid using a specific connector.
fun connectDrone(@NonNull uid: String, @NonNull connector: DeviceConnector, @NonNull password: String): Boolean
Connects a secured drone identified by its uid.
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fun connectRemoteControl(@NonNull uid: String): Boolean
fun connectRemoteControl(@NonNull uid: String, @NonNull connector: DeviceConnector, @NonNull password: String): Boolean
Connects a remote control identified by its uid.
fun connectRemoteControl(@NonNull uid: String, @NonNull connector: DeviceConnector): Boolean
Connects a remote control identified by its uid using a specific connector.
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fun disconnectDrone(@NonNull uid: String): Boolean
Disconnects a drone identified by its uid.
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fun disconnectRemoteControl(@NonNull uid: String): Boolean
Disconnects a remote control identified by its uid.
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fun forgetDrone(@NonNull uid: String): Boolean
Forgets a drone identified by its uid.
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fun forgetRemoteControl(@NonNull uid: String): Boolean
Forgets a remote control identified by its uid.
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fun getDrone(@NonNull uid: String): Drone
fun getDrone(@NonNull uid: String, @NonNull listener: GroundSdk.OnDeviceRemovedListener): Drone
Gets a drone by uid.
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fun getDroneList(@NonNull filter: Predicate<DroneListEntry>, @NonNull observer: Ref.Observer<List<DroneListEntry>>): Ref<List<DroneListEntry>>
Gets a list of known drones and registers an observer notified each time this list changes.
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fun <F : Facility?> getFacility(@NonNull facilityClass: Class<F>): F
Retrieves a facility.
fun <F : Facility?> getFacility(@NonNull facilityClass: Class<F>, @NonNull observer: Ref.Observer<F>): Ref<F>
Retrieves a facility and registers an observer notified each time it changes.
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fun getRemoteControl(@NonNull uid: String): RemoteControl
Gets a remote control by uid.
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Gets a list of known remote controls and registers an observer notified each time this list changes.
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open fun manageRcAccessory(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull rcAccessory: UsbAccessory)
Commands GroundSDK to manage the given remote controller USB accessory.
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open fun newSession(@NonNull context: Context, @Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle): GroundSdk
Obtains a new GroundSdk session instance.
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open fun obtainSession(@NonNull activity: Activity): ManagedGroundSdk
open fun obtainSession(@NonNull activity: Activity, @NonNull observerBehavior: ManagedGroundSdk.ObserverBehavior): ManagedGroundSdk
Obtains a GroundSdk session automatically managed according to the provided activity's lifecycle.
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fun replay(@NonNull source: FileReplay.Source, @NonNull observer: Ref.Observer<FileReplay>): Ref<FileReplay>
Creates a new replay stream for some local media file.
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open fun resume()
Resumes this session.
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open fun retain(@NonNull outState: Bundle)
Retains this session.
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open fun suspend()
Suspends this session.