
interface Frame

A frame delivered by the sink.

All frame API methods, except released, throw IllegalStateException in case the frame is released.


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interface Plane

A frame data plane.


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abstract val captureTimestamp: ULong

Capture time of the frame, in microseconds on the monotonic clock of the drone, or 0 if unknown.

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abstract val metadata: VideoMetadata.TimedMetadata

Frame metadata.

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abstract val nativePtr: Long

Native pointer on to the struct sdkcore_frame C structure which is this frame native backend.

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Frame data planes.

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abstract val released: Boolean

true when the frame is released, otherwise false.

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abstract val silent: Boolean

true when the frame is not intended to be displayed.

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abstract val timeScale: UInt

time scale, in Hz.

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abstract val timestamp: ULong

Frame timestamp, in timeScale units.

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abstract val visualError: Boolean

true when the frame contains a visual error.


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abstract fun copy(): RawVideoSink.Frame

Copies this frame.

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abstract fun release()

Releases this frame.