Thermal Camera
Thermal camera interface for drones.
Provides access to a drone's thermal camera, if available.
The thermal camera can be activated by changing the thermal mode.
The thermal camera can be obtained from a drone using:
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See also
com. parrot. drone. groundsdk. device. Drone
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Gives access to the camera alignment setting.
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Gives access to the camera automatic High Dynamic Range (HDR) setting.
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Gives access to the auto-record setting.
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Tells whether it is currently possible to start photo(s) capture.
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Tells whether it is currently possible to start recording a video.
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Tells whether it is currently possible to stop photo(s) capture.
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Tells whether it is currently possible to stop recording a video.
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Gives access to the camera exposure setting.
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Gives access to the camera EV (Exposure Value) compensation setting.
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Gives access to the camera exposure lock setting.
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Tells if HDR is currently active.
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Tells if HDR is available in the current mode and configuration.
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Gives access to the camera mode setting.
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Gives access to the camera photo mode setting.
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Retrieves the current state of the photo function.
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Gives access to the camera recording mode setting.
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Retrieves the current state of the recording function.
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Requests photo capture to start.
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Requests video recording to start.
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Requests photo capture to stop.
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Requests video recording to stop.
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Gives access to the camera image style setting.
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Gives access to the camera white balance setting.
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Gives access to the camera white balance lock setting.
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Retrieves the camera zoom sub-peripheral.