
MediaStore peripheral interface for drones.

Aggregates information on all medias stored on a device, allowing the application to browse such media, to to download them locally on the device, ot to delete them physically from the drone where they are stored.

This peripheral can be obtained from a drone using: drone.getPeripheral(

See also



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Media download type.

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Indexing state of the media store.


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Current indexing state.

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@get:IntRange(from = 0)
abstract val photoMediaCount: Int

Total photo media count.

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@get:IntRange(from = 0)
abstract val photoResourceCount: Int

Total photo resources count.

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@get:IntRange(from = 0)
abstract val videoMediaCount: Int

Yotal video media count.

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@get:IntRange(from = 0)
abstract val videoResourceCount: Int

Total video resource count.


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Creates a new media list for browsing medias.

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Deletes resources from the drone's storage.

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Downloads media resources of a given type from the drone's storage.

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abstract fun fetchThumbnailOf(media: MediaItem, observer: Ref.Observer<Bitmap>): Ref<Bitmap>

Retrieves a media thumbnail.

abstract fun fetchThumbnailOf(resource: MediaItem.Resource, observer: Ref.Observer<Bitmap>): Ref<Bitmap>

Retrieves a media resource thumbnail.

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abstract fun upload(resources: Collection<File>, target: MediaItem, observer: Ref.Observer<ResourceUploader>): Ref<ResourceUploader>

Upload media resources to the drone's storage.

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Wipes all media from the drone's storage.