
Main gimbal peripheral interface for drones.

This provides control of the mechanical gimbal "holding" and orientating the drone main camera.

The gimbal can act on one or multiple axes. It can stabilize a given axis, meaning that the movement on this axis will be following the horizon (for PITCH and ROLL) or the North (for the YAW).

Two frames of reference are used to control the gimbal with the POSITION mode, and to retrieve the gimbal attitude.


  • yaw: given angle is relative to the magnetic North (clockwise).
  • pitch: given angle is relative to the horizon. Positive pitch values means an orientation towards sky.
  • roll: given angle is relative to the horizon line. Positive roll values means an orientation to the right when seeing the gimbal from behind.


  • yaw: given angle is relative to the heading of the drone. Positive yaw values means a right orientation when seeing the gimbal from above.
  • pitch: given angle is relative to the body of the drone. Positive pitch values means an orientation of the gimbal towards the top of the drone.
  • roll: given angle is relative to the body of the drone. Positive roll values means an clockwise rotation of the gimbal.

This peripheral can be obtained from a drone using:


See also



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enum Axis
Gimbal axis.
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Way of controlling the gimbal.
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Frame of reference.
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Gimbal offsets manual correction process.


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abstract fun cancelCalibration()
Cancels the current calibration process.
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abstract fun control(@NonNull mode: MainGimbal.ControlMode, @Nullable yaw: Double, @Nullable pitch: Double, @Nullable roll: Double)
Controls the gimbal.
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Reports any error that the gimbal is currently undergoing.
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abstract fun getAttitude(@NonNull axis: MainGimbal.Axis): Double
Retrieves current attitude of an axis in the current frame of reference, in degrees.
Retrieves current attitude of an axis in a given frame of reference, in degrees.
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Retrieves attitude bounds of an axis in the current frame of reference, in degrees.
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Gets calibration process state.
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Gets currently locked axes.
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Retrieves the maximum speed setting of an axis, in degrees per second.
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Gets offsets correction process.
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Retrieves the stabilization setting of an axis.
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Gets all supported axes, i.e.
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abstract fun isCalibrated(): Boolean
Tells whether the gimbal is calibrated.
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abstract fun resetAttitude()
Resets gimbal attitude.
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abstract fun startCalibration()
Starts calibration process.
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Starts the offsets correction process.
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Stops the offsets correction process.