Photo mode#

Photo capture can operate in different modes that can be configured with Camera APIs:

  • single: take a single photo

  • bracketing: take a burst of multiple photos, each using different EV compensation values

  • burst: take a burst of photos

  • timeLapse: take frames at a regular time interval

  • gpsLapse: take frames at a regular GPS position interval

Camera 1#

Photo mode is configured with field CameraPhotoSettings.mode. The list of supported modes is given by CameraPhotoSettings.supportedModes.

Each photo mode (except single mode) is configured with another setting:

  • bracketing

    • configured with field CameraPhotoSettings.bracketingValue

    • supported values given by CameraPhotoSettings.supportedBracketingValues

  • burst

    • configured with field CameraPhotoSettings.burstValue

    • supported values given by CameraPhotoSettings.supportedBurstValues

  • timeLapse

    • configured with field CameraPhotoSettings.timelapseCaptureInterval

    • supported values given by CameraPhotoSettings.supportedTimelapseIntervals

  • gpsLapse

    • configured with field CameraPhotoSettings.gpslapseCaptureInterval

    • supported values given by CameraPhotoSettings.supportedGpslapseIntervals

Sample code to monitor photo mode:

/// Keep reference on MainCamera peripheral to get notified of changes.
private var cameraRef: Ref<MainCamera>?

/// Monitors and prints photo mode.
func monitorPhotoMode(drone: Drone) {
    cameraRef = drone.getPeripheral(Peripherals.mainCamera) { camera in
        // called on main thread when the camera peripheral changes
        if let camera = camera {
            // get photo settings
            let photoSettings = camera.photoSettings
            if photoSettings.supportedModes.isEmpty {
                // setting value is not relevant if there is no supported value
                print("No supported value")
            } else {
                // get setting value
                let mode = photoSettings.mode
                switch mode {
                case .single:
                    print("Photo mode: single")
                case .bracketing:
                    // get bracketing configuration
                    let bracketing = photoSettings.bracketingValue
                    print("Photo mode: bracketing \(bracketing)")
                case .burst:
                    // get burst configuration
                    let burst = photoSettings.burstValue
                    print("Photo mode: burst \(burst)")
                case .gpsLapse:
                    // get location interval
                    let interval = photoSettings.gpslapseCaptureInterval
                    print("Photo mode: gpsLapse \(interval) meters")
                case .timeLapse:
                    // get time interval
                    let interval = photoSettings.timelapseCaptureInterval
                    print("Photo mode: timeLapse \(interval) seconds")

Example of output:

Photo mode: burst 10 Over 4s

Sample code to modify photo mode:

/// Sets photo mode.
func setPhotoMode(drone: Drone, photoMode: CameraPhotoMode) {
    if let camera = drone.getPeripheral(Peripherals.mainCamera) {
        // set setting value
        camera.photoSettings.mode = photoMode

Trying to change the setting value to an unsupported value has no effect. Values supported by the camera are provided by CameraPhotoSettings.supportedModes.

For bracketing mode, the bracketing value can be configured as follows:

/// Sets bracketing value.
func setBracketingValue(drone: Drone, bracketing: CameraBracketingValue) {
    if let camera = drone.getPeripheral(Peripherals.mainCamera) {
        // set setting value
        camera.photoSettings.bracketingValue = bracketing

For burst mode, the burst value can be configured as follows:

/// Sets burst value.
func setBurstValue(drone: Drone, burst: CameraBurstValue) {
    if let camera = drone.getPeripheral(Peripherals.mainCamera) {
        // set setting value
        camera.photoSettings.burstValue = burst

For gpsLapse mode, the interval can be configured as follows:

/// Sets location interval.
func setGpsLapseInterval(drone: Drone, interval: Double) {
    if let camera = drone.getPeripheral(Peripherals.mainCamera) {
        // set setting value
        camera.photoSettings.gpslapseCaptureInterval = interval

For timeLapse mode, the interval can be configured as follows:

/// Sets time interval.
func setTimeLapseInterval(drone: Drone, interval: Double) {
    if let camera = drone.getPeripheral(Peripherals.mainCamera) {
        // set setting value
        camera.photoSettings.timelapseCaptureInterval = interval

Camera 2#

Photo mode is configured with parameter Camera2Params.photoMode.

Each photo mode (except single mode) is configured with another parameter:

  • bracketing: configured with parameter Camera2Params.photoBracketing

  • burst: configured with parameter Camera2Params.photoBurst

  • timeLapse: configured with parameter Camera2Params.photoTimelapseInterval

  • gpsLapse: configured with parameter Camera2Params.photoGpslapseInterval

Sample code to monitor photo mode:

/// Keep reference on MainCamera2 peripheral to get notified of changes.
private var cameraRef: Ref<MainCamera2>?

// Monitors and prints photo mode.
func monitorPhotoMode(drone: Drone) {
    cameraRef = drone.getPeripheral(Peripherals.mainCamera2) { camera in
        // called on main thread when the camera peripheral changes
        if let camera = camera {
            // get current configuration
            let config = camera.config
            // get configuration parameter
            if let configParam = config[Camera2Params.photoMode] {
                if configParam.currentSupportedValues.isEmpty {
                    // parameter value is not relevant
                    // if there is not supported values in current configuration
                    print("No supported value in current configuration")
                } else {
                    // get parameter value
                    let mode = configParam.value
                    switch mode {
                    case .single:
                        print("Photo mode: single")
                    case .bracketing:
                        // get bracketing configuration
                        let bracketing = config[Camera2Params.photoBracketing]?.value
                        print("Photo mode: bracketing \(bracketing)")
                    case .burst:
                        // get burst configuration
                        let burst = config[Camera2Params.photoBurst]?.value
                        print("Photo mode: burst \(burst)")
                    case .gpsLapse:
                        // get location interval
                        let interval = config[Camera2Params.photoGpslapseInterval]?.value
                        print("Photo mode: gpsLapse \(interval) meters")
                    case .timeLapse:
                        // get time interval
                        let interval = config[Camera2Params.photoTimelapseInterval]?.value
                        print("Photo mode: timeLapse \(interval) seconds")

Example of output:

Photo mode: burst Optional(burst10Over4s)

Sample code to modify photo mode:

/// Sets photo mode.
func setPhotoMode(drone: Drone, photoMode: Camera2PhotoMode) {
    if let camera = drone.getPeripheral(Peripherals.mainCamera2) {
        // create configuration editor, starting from current configuration
        let editor = camera.config.edit(fromScratch: false)
        // retrieve configuration parameter
        if let configParam = editor[Camera2Params.photoMode] {
            // change parameter value,
            // and unset other parameters conflicting with this new value
            configParam.value = photoMode
            // complete configuration, by setting missing parameters values
            // send new configuration to drone

Trying to change the parameter value to an unsupported value has no effect. Values supported by the camera are provided by the parameter field configParam.overallSupportedValues.

For bracketing mode, the bracketing value can be configured as follows:

/// Sets bracketing value.
func setBracketingValue(drone: Drone, bracketing: Camera2BracketingValue) {
    if let camera = drone.getPeripheral(Peripherals.mainCamera2) {
        // create configuration editor, starting from current configuration
        let editor = camera.config.edit(fromScratch: false)
        // retrieve configuration parameter
        if let configParam = editor[Camera2Params.photoBracketing] {
            // change parameter value,
            // and unset other parameters conflicting with this new value
            configParam.value = bracketing
            // complete configuration, by setting missing parameters values
            // send new configuration to drone

For burst mode, the burst value can be configured as follows:

/// Sets burst value.
func setBurstValue(drone: Drone, burst: Camera2BurstValue) {
    if let camera = drone.getPeripheral(Peripherals.mainCamera2) {
        // create configuration editor, starting from current configuration
        let editor = camera.config.edit(fromScratch: false)
        // retrieve configuration parameter
        if let configParam = editor[Camera2Params.photoBurst] {
            // change parameter value,
            // and unset other parameters conflicting with this new value
            configParam.value = burst
            // complete configuration, by setting missing parameters values
            // send new configuration to drone

For gpsLapse mode, the interval can be configured as follows:

/// Sets location interval.
func setGpsLapseInterval(drone: Drone, interval: Double) {
    if let camera = drone.getPeripheral(Peripherals.mainCamera2) {
        // create configuration editor, starting from current configuration
        let editor = camera.config.edit(fromScratch: false)
        // retrieve configuration parameter
        if let configParam = editor[Camera2Params.photoGpslapseInterval] {
            // change parameter value,
            // and unset other parameters conflicting with this new value
            configParam.value = interval
            // complete configuration, by setting missing parameters values
            // send new configuration to drone

For timeLapse mode, the interval can be configured as follows:

/// Sets time interval.
func setTimeLapseInterval(drone: Drone, interval: Double) {
    if let camera = drone.getPeripheral(Peripherals.mainCamera2) {
        // create configuration editor, starting from current configuration
        let editor = camera.config.edit(fromScratch: false)
        // retrieve configuration parameter
        if let configParam = editor[Camera2Params.photoTimelapseInterval] {
            // change parameter value,
            // and unset other parameters conflicting with this new value
            configParam.value = interval
            // complete configuration, by setting missing parameters values
            // send new configuration to drone